Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dumbbell exercises - A man's guide to M and S

Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows
Dumbbell Two-Arm Sumo Deadlifts
Dumbbell Neutral to Supinated Curls
Dumbbell Ball Chest Presses
Dumbbell One-Leg Step-Ups
Dumbbell Box Deadlifts
Dumbbell Two-Armed Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Box Front Squats
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts  - Chapter 5

Dumbbell One-Arm Empty Cans
Dumbbell Walking Lunges
Dumbbell Squat Presses
Dumbbell Axe Chops
Dumbbell One-Leg Romanian Deadlifts
Dumbbell Zottman Curls
Dumbbell Shoulder-Loaded Step-Ups
Dumbbell Two-Arm Bent-Over Rows
Dumbbell Overhead Squats - Chapter 6

Dumbbell Flat Chest Presses
Dumbbell Deadliftts with Pronated Grip
Dumbbell One-Leg Step Ups - Chapter 7

Dumbbell One-Leg Reach to Rows
Dumbbell One-Arm Prone Rows
Dumbbell Walking Lunges with Chop - Chapter 8

Dumbbell One-Arm Snatches
Dumbbell Floor Chest Presses - Chapter 9

Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Zercher Squats
Dumbbell Walking Lunges - Chapter 10

Dumbbell Deadlifts to cheat Hammer Curls
Dumbbell Squat to Standing Reverse Flys
Dumbbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Zottmann Curls- Chapter 11

Under construction, over 30 exercises.

Monday, April 15, 2013

A man's guide to M and S, IV

Chapter 10: Hard Gainer's Workout

One-Leg Dynamic Bridging
Plank One-Arm Reach-Outs
Barbell Incline Chest Presses
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
Barbell Bent-Over Rows
Barbell Front Squats
Barbell Military Shoulder Preses
Barbell Box Step-ups
Alternate Grip Pull-Ups
Barbell Shrugs
Dumbbell Lateral Raises
Cable Two-Arm Horizontal Chest Presses
Dumbbell Zercher Squats
Cable Supinated Seated Rows
Dumbbell Walking Lunges
Barbell Curls

17 exercises,  3 Dumbbells.

Chapter 11, Functional Training Workout

Stick Overhead Squats
Vertical Frog Jumps
Barbell One-Arm Squat Presses
Dumbbell Zercher Step-ups
Oblique Twists (Slams)
Dumbbell Renegade Rows
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats
Kettlebell Alternatiing One-Arm Swings
Cable Push-Pulls
Barbell Overhead Forward Lunges
Dumbbell Goblet Squats
Turkish Half Get-Ups
Stability Ball Pikes
Stability Ball Back Reverse Extensions
Kettlebell Cleans, Front Squats and Presses
Dumbbell One-Arm Deadlifts from Floor
Hanging Knee-Ups
Barbell Supinated Inverted Rows
Barbell Shhoulder-Loaded Walking Lunges
Kettlebell Two-Arm Swings

21 exercises, 5 dumbbells

Chapter 13: Upper-Body Blast Workout

Jumping Jacks
Backward Lunge Press-Outs
Medicine Ball Slams
Kettlebell Alternating Shoulder Presses
Dumbbell Deadlifts to cheat Hammer Curls
Cable Criss Cross Raises
Cable Overhead Rope Triceps Extensions
Medicine Ball Push-Ups
Cable One-Arm Horizontal Rows
Bench Leg Lifts to Hip Thrusts
Dumbbell Squat to Standing Reverse Flys
Cable Supinated Triceps Press-Downs
Cable Supinated Wide-Grip Biceps Curls
Barbell Push Presses
Dumbbell Shrugs
Cable Close-Grip Triceps Press-Downs
Dumbbell Zottmann Curls
Kettlebell Double Swings

20 exercises, 4 exercises

Chapter 13: Hardcore Body-Weight Training Workout

Jumping Jacks
Transverse Plane Lunges
Mountain Climbers
T-Twist Push-Ups
One-Leg Pistol Squats
One-Leg-Up Crunches
Side Planks with Reach Under
Bulgarian Split Squats with Two-Arm Raises
Alternating Supermans
Alternating Dynamic Forward Lunges
Chair Dips
Planks with Shoulder Abduction
Shin Slap V-Ups
One-Leg Dynamic Bridging
Hindu Push-Ups
Prisoner Deep Squats
Brazilian Crunches
One-leg good mornings
Squat Thrusts (Burpees)

20 exercises, no weights.

A Man's guide to M and S: III

Chapter 7: Pure Strength Workout

Split Jacks
Transverse Plane Lunges
Hand Walkouts
Dumbbell Flat Chest Presses
Barbell Back Squats
Barbell Bent-Over Rows
Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
Barbell Military Shoulder Presses
Dumbbell Deadliftts with Pronated Grip
Pull-Ups (Weighted)
Barbell Split Lunges
Barbell Incline Chest Presses
Dumbbell One-Leg Step Ups
Cable Seated Rows
Barbell Front Squats
Cable Seated Rows
Barbell Front Squats

17 exercises, 3 Dumbbell exercises.

Chapter 8: Core Power Workout

Squat Thrusts (Burpees)
Curtsy Lunges
Planks with Shoulder Abdustion
Barbell Push Presses
Barbell Front Squats
Dumbbell One-Leg Reach to Rows
Barbell Combat Twists
Cable Kneeling Rope Chops
T-Twist Push Ups
Barbell One-Leg Good Mornings
Stability Ball Roll-Outs
Dumbbell One-Arm Prone Rows
Barbell Overhead Squats
Unilateral Bird Dogs
Cable Low to High Rope Chops
Medicine Ball Slams
Side Planks with Reach Under
Dumbbell Walking Lunges with Chop

19 exercises, 3 dumbbell.

Chapter 9: Strength and Power Workout

Skips in Place
Speed Skaters
Plank Get-ups
Plyometric Box Jumps
Plyometric Box Push-Ups
Barbell Inverted Pronated Rows
Barbell Backward Lunges
Dumbbell One-Arm Snatches
Alternate Split Lunge Jumps
Cable Supinated Lat Pull-Downs
Barbell Deadlifts From Boxes
Dumbbell Floor Chest Presses
Barbell Deep Box Squats
Cable Pronated Wide-Grip Seated Rows
Cable Rope Pull-Throughs
Cable Alternating Horizontal Chops

16 exercises, 2 dumbbell.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

A Man's Guide to M and S, II

Chapter 6: Starter Program 2:

Mountain Climbers
Lateral Lunges
Dumbbell One-Arm Empty Cans
Cable Two-Arm Horizontal Chest Presses
Barbell Back Squats
Cable Low to High Chops
Cable Two-Arm Horizontal Rows
Dumbbell Walking Lunges
Dynamic Bridging
Dumbbell Squat Presses
Dumbbell Axe Chops
Dumbbell One-Leg Romanian Deadlifts
Dumbbell Zottman Curls
Declined Push-Ups
Dumbbell Shoulder-Loaded Step-Ups
Bench Leg Lifts
Dumbbell Two-Arm Bent-Over Rows
Dumbbell Overhead Squats
Medicine Ball Side-To-Side Rotations

21 Exercises,  9  with Dumbbells

(Concentration DB curls research as well)

A man's guide to Muscle and Strength: I

Chapter 4: Stretches.

Chapter 5: Starter Program 1:

Backward alternating lunges
Squat to stands
Cable One-Arm Horizontal Chest Presses
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
JC Band Horizontal Chops
Cable One-Arm Horizontal Rows
Dumbbell Box Front Squats
Static Bridging
Dumbbell Two-Armed Shoulder Press
Dynamic Forward Cone Lunges
Cable Lat Pull-Downs in a Squat
Dumbbell Box Deadlifts
Cable EZ-Bar Triceps Press-Downs
Dumbbell Neutral to Supinated Curls
Dumbbell Ball Chest Presses
Dumbbell One-Leg Step-Ups
Reverse Crunches
Dumbbell One-Arm Bent-Over Rows
Dumbbell Two-Arm Sumo Deadlifts

21 exercises, 9 with dumbbells.

Good book.

So many books and programs out there but this book, which I found at the library has a great selection of exercises,  it's a great reference. I haven't looked through books of this nature deeply but from what I can tell, it's full of info and we are going to review some of the exercises.