Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Exergenie and a good fitness forum.

Some get a bit silly there but it is fascinating the subjects they have on this forum like the Exer-Genie from the All Things Zen Forum.  Sports Illustrated article.

And one poster says the Isorobic is very similar.

I have no experience with these but they sound interesting, the sound a bit similar to the TRX, Hook, etc.

Olive Oil is good for you but aim for 32 ounces a month!

32 pints or 2 pints a month, 2 of these bottles a month, 24 a year. That is how much one would need to fullfill the requirements of the Mediterranean Diet. And try to get it in a glass bottle always.

Article on Olive Oils as if someone tried all of these and could judge them.

Celebrities on Gilad's body in motion.

Looks like Joe Theismann was on a Gilad's body's in motion, the '80s show.

I wonder if any others were ever on it. Interesting.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Go for 30 Kettlebell Swings in a Minute.

I think I was reading a blog, Crossfit and the aim was to do 30 kettlebell swings in a minute and if you are not able to do that, the punishment was to do a certain number, maybe 15 burpees. Sounds like a good goal to go for!

(For the record: 8 KG: 1 kilogram = 2.20462262 pounds, so those KBs weigh nearly 18 pounds)

A kettlebell Pood, conventional size of KBs is

Pood (Russian: пуд, tr. pud; IPA: [put]), is a unit of mass equal to 40 funt (фунт, Russian pound). It is approximately 16.38 kilograms (36.11 pounds).[1] It was used in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. Pood was first mentioned in a number of documents of the 12th century.

So around 35 pounds...

Windmills, an exercise I have not heard much about:

The Kettle Bell Swing.....

Saw a fellow in the gym who seemed to have his arms at his elbows locked on the swing, it made me wonder which is proper. I like the view that when you do the kettlebell swing, you're arms act like ropes or cables holding the kettlebell while your legs, knees and hips do most of the work.

This, arms are like cables...

VS. this:

Which is somewhat similar to what the person in the gym did.

1- Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart and the kettlebell between your legs.
Hold the kettlebell with both hands.
3- Swing the kettlebell up using power thrusts from the hip, thigh and your lower back muscle.
Swing it back and forth for 3 to 5 sets of 20 to 30 repetitions

But this website says that that is a "crap" kettlebell swing.

Other images... so I think the cables have it.

The Squat - Ron Morris

Just his opinion: 

The Unholy Trinity

1. The Kettlebell Swing
2. The Pushup
3. The Squat.

Interesting perspective.

I do like the Squat description but let's break it down, sentence by sentence.

1.) The squat is about flexibility and strength, and when done correctly, works cardio as well. To begin, stand straight, not slouched, feet 1-2 inches beyond shoulder width.
2.) All attention begins at Hanzo, head and gaze level, shoulders down.
3.) As you descend, your hips should be going straight back, sitting back, not down.
4.) Continue to lower yourself, your torso remains straight up and down, don't lean over your feet or knees (thighs should be behind your knees). 
5.) Go to parallel, which means, top of thighs parallel with floor, hip bone below knees. 
6.) Don't hold your breath, breathe all the way down, evenly.
7.) Don't bounce or drop quickly, the slower the better. 
8.) A brief pause, then rise, shoulders back, head up. 
9.) This is usually the part where everybody tries the shortcut, racing back up will put your body out of alignment.
10.) Smooth and strict-keep your attention on Hanzo, exhale breathe on the top.

Possibly something like this from a Men's health illustration.

Looks like Jump Squats and Barbell Squats are interesting variants.

Friday, March 22, 2013


I love exercise face book

A lot of inspirational posts at this website but gee? Why not just try to follow this one to begin with??

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

More on the Power (Samson) Twister Bar

So, info is sparse on the Power Twister in the English Language but here is a French site that has a lot on this exercise device and a lot of photos.

Also, before anything else, there has to be a bit of a warning that Power Twisters could cause Tendonitis I think, in other words, making your elbow joints hurt some....

Sometimes the tendons become inflamed for a variety of reasons, and the action of pulling the muscle becomes irritating. If the normal smooth gliding motion of your tendon is impaired, the tendon will become inflamed and movement will become painful. This is called tendonitis, and literally means inflammation of the tendon.

"Avec cet appareil et un entrainement régulier en effectuant ces exercices, l' expandeur développe principalement des armes de puissance volume et masse musculaire. Une meilleur congestion musculaire ainsi qu'un durcissement des muscles  sur la poitrine, le dos épaules et les bras  plus un accent sur les muscle de la ceinture scapulaire. Les exercices sont réalisés en station debout. Dans ce cas, vous aurez besoin de mettre les pieds de la largeur des épaules, le torse droit. Chaque exercice doit être réaliser le plus longtemps possible en atteignant le seuil maximal musculaire des groupes de muscles qui  travaillent (jusqu’à l'épuisement musculaire). Veillez contractez fortement la zone musculaire pour permettre une meilleur congestion et effectuez vos mouvement lentement pour une meilleur efficacité du travail musculaire. Ces exercices vous prendront environ 5 à 15 minutes en fonction du nombre d'exercices effectués. Si vous n'avez pas le temps de vous rendre en salle de sport. Pour vous procurer cet appareil, vous le trouverez dans des magasins de sport à un prix raisonnable de 15€ environ. Essayez le vous serrez ravis dès la premiére utilisation de cet appareil qui vous procura un corps  de rêve et sculpte." 

Okay, bottom line for this to me, is the power twister bar that I have is very strong, takes a lot of strength to bend...and is probably nice to have around the house but is not a major departure point for exercises.

Some power twisters are not very strong and some are very powerful, hard to bend. They may be ideal for arm wrestling type training as well.

Stretching Helps! Relief...

Does stretching help?? Yes, indeed, often it can feel like "relief", now I pay more attention to instructors because a good stretch can be all that is needed to quell an aching back.  (Cut down on sugars, fried and refined foods alright).

And many other references on the web....Deborah Bleecker.

Yoga, can you believe it??

Monday, March 18, 2013

Planks, Stationary Running Exercise, Running Hands - Gilad

Gilad 9/6/04, BodySculpt
Note, does some of the stationary running, watch for this. Add on in future...

Does some planks, side planks too. Good stuff.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gilad's Dumb Bell Exercises (Arms, Back, Shoulders, Chest, Abs)

(1/30/2004 Show, Red Shirt, Black Trunks, Waimea Bay) (Bodies in motion?)(Discovery Health and Fitness)

 Shoulder Rolls
One foot slightly forward, bend back, dumb bells in each hand, lift up to sides.


Double DBs to one side and then proceed doing this on one side, free hand resting on knee.

Repeat on other sides.

Shoulder Rolls

Both of the above may be done in 2 sets of 8-10 reps.

Flat back, don't whip shoulder up.


Now, arms at sides, DBs, one in each hand, curl up gently, curl up dumb bell, same # of sets....keep elbows close to waist.

2 sets of 8-10, then do 2 sets using both arms and hands.... relax...

Do some of these last ones with a staggered 1, 2 count with a stop in the middle of going the way up.


Then do a few with the DB more or less perpendicular to the ground, up and squeeze....


Then go across with each DB to opposite pect, chest and again, do 2 sets of 8-10 reps.

Then, go up and do some easy curls.......2 or 1 set.....

Shake it out.


Gilad videos


1-10-2005 (Gilad Body Sculpt)
Heaviest set of weights....

one foot forward, dumb bells, bicep curls....back heel up at same time...skull crushers.... too

... shoulder rolls....

wide stance, bring palms in, elbows out, a sort of goal post position of the arms....and bring dbs up to meet up above your head....

then you can do a few at half way of the previous, up and down similar to lifting a bar bell.


Gilad dumb bells

Lateral Raises


1/12/2005 (Gilad Body Sculpt)

Squat and Shoulder Press....light or heavy.... down and squeeze up....

Back Lung Position, Down and then Lift Up Weights with Biceps..... do both legs....

Then, to a lunge, skull crushers holding both dbs together....

Then shoulder flies... up and down, 1 and 2....

Also, from a lung position, one can support the back of the biceps/a bit above the back of the elbow with the back of the hand and do bicep curls...


8/15/06 (Bodies in Motion) (Monkey Pet)(No Dumb Bell Work)


1/17/05 Body Sculpt with Gilad....

(This is a good check in with the IC / static running exercises)

One foot in front, bicep curl and shoulder press.....

Shoulder Rolls...

Then again, one foot in front, shoulder curls at half way (chest height), at that height, push weights out but not straight out all the way, pull back in... and then, squeeze the biceps in and curl....

Friday, March 15, 2013

Jazzercise, DancerCise, Sweatin' to the Oldies. Which came first??

Which came first? Jazzercise per wikipedia has been around since 1969.

Here is an article worth reading that sums up these dance crazes well:

Which came first??

One thing is as clear as can be... "Hitchin' a Ride" by Vanity Fare which Richard Simmons danced to in his Sweatin' to the Oldies classes is an awesome song..

Gilad, one excellent exercise instructor.

Nowadays, there's Insanity and PX90 out there...I certainly wouldn't put those down but Gilad's bodies in motion and his more recent show, Bodysculpting as far as I'm concerned is about all I need.

See Gilad here

I really think his simple dumb bell exercises will build up the arms if that is what you want.

I first caught Gilad on the now defunct Fit TV and it was great,  they would air it at different times, including around the 10 or 11 PM hour, a good way to end the day inspite of what is said as to not end a day exercising as it will keep you awake at night.

Now, Gilad is on Discovery Fitness and Health channel, is easily their best program,  Veria on Dish Network really better except having a prime show like Gilad's exercise show except one thing, I have been recording the Gilad shows, it almost seems like Discovery F and H only have a few of his shows in the can. Of course, I don't find that to deeply effect a total workout.

But does Gilad pass the test for exercise? Marilu Henner says in her weight loss book that you should exercise enough to break a sweat. Does Gilad do that?? Certainly he does.

Gilad seems to fit in as post-Jack Lalanne, pre-the hot workouts nowadays....but I do think some of the modern workouts go a bit overboard.

Denise Austin, Billy Banks and others though, remain very helpful as well.

Jack pioneered the TV exercise show it seems.

There are a number of health gurus out there, I think Richard Simmons also does very well.

"Dancing with the oldies" is excellent and dare I say, a precursor of Zumba and I will leave it at that for now.

So, I believe there is no answer as to whom is best, just whom you are comfortable with and know.